
A Bucket Filling Snack! {and freebie}

We are very enthusiastic bucket fillers in our class!  And on our 100th day of school today, I decided that we should celebrate 100 days of bucket filling with a fun and healthy snack!

Here are the directions for you!

I prepped the cups last night.  You will need flexible plastic cups (I used 9 oz. size), hole punch, chenille stem (pipe cleaners), and a permanent marker. Begin by punching two holes across from each other at the top of the cup. Attach the chenille stem to make a handle.  Draw a cute face on the front of the cup with the marker.

Then it is time to fill it with goodness!

We used vanilla yogurt colored with blue food coloring, strawberries, blueberries, and bananas.

Each student was able to cut up their fruit (with a plastic knife) and then put in on their yogurt. Then it was time to eat!

And now for the freebie!

Each day since the first day of school, I had the student helper of the day complete a bucket filling sheet.  I have the student draw a picture of three things that they did to fill a bucket.  You can also have them add the number for the day of school at the top.
Today, on the 100th day, we compiled our class book 100 Days of Bucket Filling!

Click on the picture to get your freebie!


  1. Love this snack idea!!! Thinking about doing it for my Valentines day party!!! :) I have a bucket filling freebie for older students on my blog, we are just getting into this! Thanks for sharing.
    Dirt Road Teacher

  2. Thanks for sharing!! I always make "Friendship salad" during the 1st week of school with yogurt, canned fruit and marshmallows (where each stand for sharing, or using kind words etc.), but I want to adapt this to use this year :) I also love that they can cut it up themselves and help.

  3. Sounds wonderful! Thanks for sharing.
